Work sent me to Farmington, NM, so of course, I had to stop at Aztec Ruins National MonumentNew Mexico. I was three months pregnant with Morgen.
265 Miles from Buckhorn Tavern
"The self-guided visitor trail through Aztec Ruins winds through an ancestral Pueblo great house that was once the center of a large regional community. The half-mile trail will take you through a reconstructed great kiva, or ceremonial structure, and through original rooms with timber roofs still intact. Please stay on the trail for your own safety and to help protect these fragile resources.

There's even more to see and do at Aztec Ruins, including museum exhibits with artifacts, a 15-minute video, a segment of the Old Spanish National Historic Trail that leads to the Animas River, and a Heritage Garden."

Entrance Fee - $0.00 As of May 1, 2018, this is a fee-free park!
Aztec Ruins National Monument is open every day, except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. There is no after-hours access permitted.
Winter Season Hours - open 9am - 5pm (October 15, 2019- May 1, 2020.). The park is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. The local time zone is Mountain Standard Time (MST -0700) from early November through mid-March, and Mountain Daylight Time (MDT -0600) for the rest fo the year.
Summer Season Hours - open 8am - 6pm MDT (May 19 - October 14)

Footprint of Ancestral Pueblo Society
Pueblo people describe this site as part of their migration journey. Today you can follow their ancient passageways to a distant time. Explore a 900-year old ancestral Pueblo Great House of over 400 masonry rooms. Look up and see original timbers holding up the roof. Search for the fingerprints of ancient workers in the mortar. Listen for an echo of ritual drums in the reconstructed Great Kiva.
